So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying," May the LORD call David's enemies to account. " 于是约拿单与大卫家结盟,说:“愿耶和华借大卫的仇敌追讨背约的罪。”
Barely a week passes in this house without one of us picking up the phone to an automated call offering my parents a free medical alert system. 我家几乎每周总会有人接到自动语音电话,向我父母提供免费医疗警报系统。
Boehner, the leader of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, criticized the president for staging gatherings of taxpayers this week who support his call for eliminating tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. 共和党人控制着众议院。众议院共和党领袖贝纳指责奥巴马总统本星期召集那些支持其税收主张的纳税人开会。奥巴马主张停止对富有的美国人实行减税政策。
The member of the house of representative ( call congressmen) is elected for two years. 众广义院议员(又称国会议员)选出后任期两年。
One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die. 选一个女人,一栋房子,一片属于你自己的土地,一片属于你自己的风景,一种你自己的活法?
On Wednesday, by a wide majority, the United States House of Representatives rejected a call for a quick withdrawal of American troops. 周三,美国众议院以绝大多数优势否决了迅速从阿富汗撤出美国军队的要求。
Andre is out of employment and goes to the house of call everyday. 安德烈失业了,他每天都到零时工待雇处去等候。
I had not been long here, but being recommended to the House of a good honest Man like himself, who had an Ingenio as they call it; that is, a Plantation and a Sugar-House. 我到巴西不久,船长把我介绍给一位种植园主;这人与船长一样正直无私。他拥有一个甘蔗种植园和一个制糖厂。